After the successful first phase of the EKO-SYSTEM program, in which we supported 13 projects implemented by 12 environmental networks, from July 1. we are starting with the second cycle of support for civil society organizations from different parts of Serbia.
Within the first cycle of the ECO SYSTEM, 64 organizations from 31 municipalities in Serbia participated in building their capacity to actively engage in advocacy at the local and national level in the field of environmental protection, as well as monitoring Serbia’s progress in the implementation of Chapter 27.
Around 96 activities involved members of 279 CSOs, where both institutions on local and national level were involved and in some projects there was active participation of the citizens. Further, visibility of the CSOs work increased and once more their key role as mediator between citizens and governments has been shown.
During the second cycle, 13 projects will receive support which will be implemented in the period from July 1 to December 31.
In this phase, civil society organizations focused their project activities on active participation in the implementation of reforms in the field of environmental protection at the local and national levels.
The main topics of the projects in this cycle are the protection and conservation of biodiversity, waste management, circular economy, and climate change.
If you want to find more details about supported projects, click on the link.