KLIMATSKI FORUM ekosistem program

Climate Forum

Network: Climate Forum

Lead partner: Environment Improvement Center

Project duration: July-December 2022

The main objective of the project is to contribute in mitigating the effects of the climate change in  Republic of Serbia by enhancing the capacity of network member organizations to advocate for climate change reforms. Besides strengthening the capacity and visibility of the Climate Forum network, the project will include activities that should inform and empower citizens to be actively involved in the application of policies and its measures in the areas of climate change and energy transition. The network will also organize weekend camps with lectures on the topic of climate change and energy efficiency, and an action of the planting of trees along the river Despotovica.

The partner organizations in the project are: Environment Improvement Center (Belgrade), the Association of Citizens Klima 101 (Belgrade), the Center for the Development of Non-Formal Education – CRNOG (Belgrade) and the Association of Citizens GM OPTIMIST (Gornji Milanovac).

zelena stolica

Active Green Chair for greater participation of women and men in local and national decision-making

Network: Green Chair

Lead partner: Centre of Modern Skills

Project duration: July-December 2022


Active Green Chair for greater participation of women and men in local and national decision-making is a project with aim to contribute to greater involvement of citizens in decision-making processes at the local and national level based on a gender-responsive manner. Network will achieve defined goals, through work on improving the capacity of its members to establish dialogue and cooperation between local self-government units, decision-makers and citizens through training and coordination meetings. Some of the activities will be concentrated on the presentation of active Green Chair to local self-governments, CSOs, and citizens, as a mechanism for public involvement in environmental decision-making. All these activities will be followed with continuous promotion and education about the Green Chair through all communication channels.


The partner organizations on the project are: Center of Modern Skills (Belgrade), Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (Belgrade), Ambassadors of Sustainable Development and Environment (Belgrade), Ecological Association Zeleni sad (Novi Sad) and Aarhus Center Novi Sad (Novi Sad )M


Lead partner Vojvodina Environmental Movement

Network: Network of Good Energy

Project duration: July-December 2022


The main goal of the project is to empower stakeholders in local communities for informed participation in the creation and monitoring of local climate and energy policies.

The project emphasizes education and skills development among young people for active participation in processes that contribute to the improvement of local public policies in the field of climate change and energy efficiency. During the project, the network is planning to empower citizens and representatives of selected local governments in Serbia to cooperate at all levels, do the evidence-based planning, and design local interventions, through the creation of gender-sensitive databases on local energy. The key activity within the project will be the development of the “Atlas of Good Energy” – an open database with information about energy efficiency in 30 municipalities in Serbia, which will be presented to the public at the conference.

The partner organizations in the project are: the Vojvodina Environmental Movement (Sremski Karlovci), RES Foundation (Belgrade), Novi put (Kraljevo) and the Belgrade Open School (Belgrade).


Resource centre of Serbia Natura2000 – Network of organizations for nature protection

Network: Natura 2000 RCS

Lead partner: Bird Protection and Study Society in Serbia

Project duration: July-December 2022


The main goal of the project Natura 2000 RCS is to contribute to nature protection through the implementation of species protection measures, improving the institutional framework and capacity of public authorities to work on protection of endangered species.

Apart from increasing network’s visibility and capacities, focal activities of the project include organization of the volunteer camps and trainings on recognizing, reporting, and dealing with cases of wild animal poisoning, with particular emphasis on the protection of griffon vulture and the active involvement of citizens in the preservation of this species. The network will also organize one-day training on recognizing, reporting, and dealing with cases of wild animal poisoning for these purposes.

The partner organizations in the project are: Bird protection and study society of Serbia (Novi Sad), NIDSB Josif Pančić (Novi Sad), HabPirot (Niš), the Association for Sustainable Development and Preservation of Natural Habitats of Serbia (Novi Sad) and the Sremska Mitrovica Environmental Movement (Zasavica).

pošumimo vojvodinu program ekosistem

Let’s afforest Vojvodina – Platform for public participation in decision-making on public policies for nature protection and afforestation in AP Vojvodina

Lead partner: Environmental Center Stanište

Network: Afforest Vojvodina Network

Project duration: July-December 2022


The project Let’s Afforest Vojvodina aims to encourage the more active involvement of citizens and civil society organizations in decision-making procesess on environmental protection and implementation of the EU Acquis and monitoring of the implementation of Chapter 27 reforms.

Primary activities of the project are focused on strengthening public support in solving the problem of afforestation and environmental protection in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the visibility of the network.

The network will also work on strengthening the network’s and other CSO’s capacity to equal participate in the dialogue on environmental decision-making with the authorities.

The partner organizations on the project are: Ecological Center Stanište (Vršac), Sombor Environmental Movement (Sombor), Association Zeleni most (Banatski Brestovac) and Association for Forest Protection (Novi Sad).

zelena lista srbije

Oplaneti se: Green caravan continues

Lead partner: Serbian Green Network

Network: Serbian Green Network

Project duration: July-December 2022


“Oplaneti se: Green Caravan” is a project of the Green List of Serbia network, with the prime goal to contribute to the initiated environmental protection reforms in Serbia following European standards in the field of waste management, affirmation of the concept of circular and green economy, as well as sustainable development goals at national, regional and local level with greater participation and influence of CSOs, citizens and the public. In order to achieve this goal, the network will put effort into the analysis of regulations and practices when it comes to public participation in the decision-making process. Activities on the project will also include the research on the presence of topics such as the circular and green economy in educational institutions, as well as the creation of educational and informative material that will follow the main project’s activities. An eco-camp for arranging and cleaning protected areas and the route of European pedestrian roads (Bor) followed by small local actions for children and youth to mark important environmental dates (Raška, Knjaževac) will be organized.

Partner organizations on the project are: Eco Club Green Trails (Raška), Ecological Movement Moravski Orašak (Trstenik), Green Circle (Novi Sad), Association of Village Citizens (Bor), Association of Young Researchers Bor (Bor).

pošumimo vojvodinu program ekosistem

The Forest Calls for Dialogue 2

Network: Let’s Afforest Vojvodina

Lead partner: Novi Sad Environmental Movement

Project duration: July-December 2022.

The Forest Calls for Dialogue is a project which aims to improve the awareness of citizens and decision-makers on the preservation and improvement of existing forests, as well as to increase the area under forests and enhance their care in Vojvodina, Serbia. The project will include workshops with children, educators, and journalists on the importance of forests and finding a mechanism for involving citizens in the process of afforestation and forest protection. All these activities will increase the visibility of the network “Let’s Afforest Vojvodina”, strengthen the negotiation and advocacy position of the network in Vojvodina.

One of the most important aspects of the project is establishing the dialogue between citizens and decision-makers, the same as cooperation with local governments and large agricultural landowners for the raising of shelterbelts.

The partner organizations in the project are: Novi Sad Environmental Movement (Novi Sad), the Vrbas Environmental Movement (Vrbas), the Rural Center Sova (Sremska Mitrovica) and the Children’s Ecological Academy (Novi Sad).

Econet – next step

Network: Ekonet Network

Lead partner: Forum of civil action FORCA

Project duration: July-December 2022.

Ekonet network in their project called “Ekonet-next step” emphasized implementation of the National Waste Management Program, in 4 districts in Serbia. Activities on the project will include cooperation with municipalities and work on the alignment of the local policies with the National Waste Management Program, as well as workshops with children, youth and citizens on increasing awareness of the importance of proper waste management. Some of the activities will be focused on strengthening the capacity of the Ekonet network to deal with the topic of waste management through increased expertise and the admission of new members.

The partner organizations in the project are: Forca (Požega), Timok Youth Center (Zaječar), Educational Center Kruševac (Kruševac), and Sombor Educational Center (Sombor).


Toward climate justice

Lead partner: European Movement Serbia – Leskovac

Network: EMinS Network (Network of the European Movement in Serbia)

Project duration: July-December 2022.

Toward climate justice is a project that should contribute to more active involvement of civil society organizations in the implementation of the EU acquis in the field of environmental protection as well as in the process of monitoring public policies in the area of adaptation to climate change. This will be achieved through the development of a tool for monitoring public policies in the field of climate change and a dialogue on crucial aspects of climate-smart localization. A public campaign about the importance of climate-smart localization is one of the significant parts of the project. The network will organize workshops, a round table, develop e-counseling in the field of application of the climate justice principles and gender-responsible climate policy among network’s members. All activities will be covered by media campaign.

The partner organizations in the project are: European Movement in Serbia (Leskovac), European Movement in Serbia (Belgrade), European Movement in Serbia (Kraljevo), European Movement in Serbia (Kruševac), European Movement in Serbia (Sremska Mitrovica), European Movement in Serbia (Valjevo)

dobrovoljno vatrogasno društvo kraljevo

Together we can protect our forests 2

Lead partner: Volunteer Fire Department Kraljevo

Network: City Fire Brigade Kraljevo

Project duration: July-December 2022.


Together we can protect our forests is a project of the City Fire Brigade of Kraljevo which goal is to contribute to more active involvement of civil society organizations in the implementation of measures for forest protection and forest resources. 

The main focus of the project will be establishing and strengthening the partnership of mountaineering societies and a network of voluntary fire brigades (WFB) for forest fire protection and education of the young about the importance of the forest.  As a part of the project, the network will organize volunteer camps for youth relating to prevention and forest fire protection. The activities will be accompanied by media campaign “Forests are the lungs of our planet – let’s protect them”.

The partner organizations in the project are: Voluntary Fire Department Kraljevo, Voluntary Fire Department Studenica, Voluntary Fire Department Vitkovac, Milakovac, Pecenog, Voluntary Fire Department Milocaj, Voluntary Fire Department Kamenica, Voluntary Fire Department Bukovica and Voluntary Fire Department Vrba.

Conceptual Foundation of Environmentally Conscious Action

Network: Banat Platform

Lead partner: Ecological Organization Avalon

Project duration: July-November 2022.


Conceptual Foundation of Environmentally Conscious Action is a project of the Banat Platform network, which aims to strengthen the ideological foundation of advocating for reforms in environmental protection. It means building practical knowledge in the field of legal procedures as a method of developing the capacity of the network and the general population to contribute to environmental reforms at the local level.

Project activities also include educational seminars, shows and online campaigns focused on education and strengthening the network by increasing its visibility.

The partner organizations in the project are: Ecological Association Avalon (Vršac), Association of Citizens Aurora (Bela Crkva), Eco Center Tisa (Novi Kneževac) and Association of Citizens Eco Zone Kovin (Kovin).

proaktiv ekosistem program

Civic activism in the service of nature

Lead partner: PROAKTIV

Network: Citizens for the nature of Serbia

Project duration: July-December 2022.


Civic activism in the service of nature is a project of the Citizen for the nature of Serbia network, which aims to contribute to the decentralization of environmental policies and the involvement of public in decision making processes. To achieve this goal network will develop a new mechanism for citizen participation in the environmental decision-making process at the local and national levels.

The project also includes activities such as development of new models of civil supervision (monitoring) of the implementation of policies and practices in the field of environmental protection. This activity will include the engagement of 20 activists (potential associates) in ensuring continuous civil oversight and further advocacy of decentralization of environmental policies.

The partner organizations in the project are: Proaktiv (Niš), the Society for Environmental Protection Stara Planina (Pirot), the Civic Reading Room Europe (Bor), the GEA Association of Citizens for Ecology and Environmental Protection (Vršac) and the Association of Citizens Zvono (Pirot).

Strengthening the resilience of local communities to climate change “Klim Adapt 22”

Lead partner: UNEKOOP

Network: Blue Green Network Futura

Project duration: July-December 2022


Strengthening the resilience of local communities to climate change Klim Adapt 22 is a project of the Blue-Green Network Futura oriented to improved dialogue and cooperation with decision-makers at the national and local levels to achieve greater climate resilience of local communities.

The most important part of the project will be strengthening local communities (citizens) and local governments to adapt to the negative effects of climate change.

The network will strengthen the capacity of network members for monitoring the negotiation process (Cluster 4) and contributing to the acceleration of environmental reforms.

The partner organizations in the project are: UNEKOOP (Paracin), the Union of Ecologists UNEKO (Belgrade), the Foundation for Environmental Actions Green Limes (Novi Banovci) and the Local Development Initiative Kraljevo (Kraljevo).